Economis Aids

Resources for Economis Implementers

Handouts for Economis Implementers

Here is a handy collection of reference documents and handouts you may need/want to use as you implement Economis in your youth program:

Economis Fact Sheet for FBOs
A quick overview of the Economis program that you can share with board, staff, and volunteers to acquaint them with the program.

Student Reference Guide for Grades 1-5
In a “FAQ” format, this short guide is written for elementary student users of Economis.

Economis Student Manual (Grades 6-12)
This more comprehensive guide provides older students with information they can reference as they use Economis.

Holding a Student Orientation
This handout walks program directors through the steps of orienting your staff and your students to the Economis program.

Sample letter to Parents
Ministries can use this template as a guide for a letter explaining the Economis program to parents of enrolled students.

Economis Flash Cards – Grades 1-4; Grades 5-8; Grades 9-12
Reinforcing the concepts taught in the lessons will help the students retain the information. These flash cards provide a fun, interactive way of reviewing the content in the Economis financial literacy curriculum. To encourage students to use the flash cards to practice, you might offer incentives – such as 5 units of your currency for a student who can correctly answer 10 questions from the flash cards.

The Store Manager’s Guide
The memo outlines everything a staff person or volunteer needs to know about setting up, stocking, and managing the Economis Online and Point of Sale incentive store.

Printing out Economis Paychecks
A short how-to on printing out paychecks, which you may wish to do if your students are young.

Troubleshooting Tips for Economis Users
This is a short list of the common glitches users can encounter, and how to fix them.

Previewing and Editing Timeclock Entries
Each week prior to payroll running, someone in the organization should run a Timeclock Error Report. This memo reviews the process for doing so and explains the steps for correcting incomplete or erroneous timeclock entries.

Downloadable Photos for Store Inventory

“Snacks” Photos “Field Trips” Photos “Sports Equipment” Photos “School Supplies” Photos