Monthly Teaching Theme #4 Student Assessment

What Choices Do I Have?

Keystone Principle #4 – Economic systems influence choices

Click here for a printable PDF version of this Monthly Teaching Theme Assessment

(Primary Grades)

Name _________________________________ School________________________________

Date _________________ Grade_________________________________

1. Draw a circle around the picture that shows an incentive (a reward for doing something good).

2. Draw a square around the picture that shows a
disincentive (a punishment for doing something bad).

II. Relevance

3. Please rate the change that studying about choices has had on your life. Circle the number below:

0 – No change on my life

1 – A little change

2 – Moderate amount of change – I might consider it

3 – Quite a bit of change – I see how it fits and appreciated learning about it

4 – Great change – I understand how important it is to my life and will use
the information I learned

What Choices Do I Have?

Keystone Economic Principle #4 – Economic systems influence choices

(Elementary Grades)

Name _________________________________ School________________________________

Date _________________


I. Agree or Disagree

Put an “A” in front of the statement if you agree and put a “D” if you disagree with the statement.

1. _____ People will usually do something if there is a
reward for doing it.

2. _____ When someone is punished for doing something,
they usually keep doing it.

3. _____ Money is the only reward for doing something.

4. ______ I should think about rewards and punishments
before I decide to do something.

II. Relevance

5. Please rate the impact that studying about choices has had on your life. Circle the number below:

0 – No Impact

1 – A little impact

2 – Moderate amount of impact – I might consider it

3 – Quite a bit of impact – I see how it fits and
appreciated learning about it

4 – Great Impact – I understand how important it is to
my life and will use the information I learned